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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Early dismissal

Bring in $3.00 for a fundraiser: movie and snacks tomorrow. This will help us with our big trips at the end of the year. 

Dismissal is at 11:25.

Have a great holiday!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Homework: Monday, December 16th

Work on your independent projects. I'll be checking for your progress on Thursday. It will be a quiz grade! I'll be checking for outlines, or notes, or rough drafts. Something that shows me that you've started working is all you need.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Vocab quiz tomorrow!

Study! The more you use the words, the easier you'll remember them. Some students are using them in reader responses, other homework assignments, etc. Be creative! The sentences, hints, and illustrations are all due tomorrow. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Homework: Tuesday, December 3rd

Great job with independent project pre writing, researching, and drafting today!

Both projects due on Friday, January 3rd. 
Project check-in on Thursday, December 19th. I will be checking to see your progress and ask any questions you have before we leave for break.
*Remember that if you need to stay after to work on projects, just ask! I'm available until 2:45 most days of the week.

Homework tonight: independently read and respond in your R/W notebook.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Homework: Monday, December 2nd

Happy December! We only have three short weeks before our holiday break. That means that we have a very large amount of learning to get done is a short amount of time!

Tonight, narrow down your choices for your independent projects and choose 2. Come in with your choices tomorrow. We will go over our rubrics and start brainstorming, pre writing, and drafting during writing workshop.